So . . . now what?

So . . .  now what?

Would it not be highly beneficial for genus Homo* to take this ‘Forest Wisdom’ out of seclusion (off the cushion) and into a wider world? Are we not all in great need of it (whether we know or no)? Mahatma Gandhi’s famous admonition, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others,” is as valid as ever.

Consider how your persona**, gentle reader, playing its role, might bring your heart off the cushion into a wider world. Here is but one pathway you may wish to explore:

  1. Donald Rothberg has created
    1. A Web page of Resources,
    2. A Book, The Engaged Spiritual Life: A Buddhist Approach to Transforming Ourselves and the World,
    3. Over 400 Dharma Talks, and
    4. A personal Website.
  2. Many have taken inspiration from the Vietnamese, Zen Monk, Thích Nhất Hạnh‘s 14 Precepts of Engaged Buddhism.
  3. Are you already so engaged?
    If so, a deep bow of appreciation and heartfelt thanks.

    Please respond below, and let readers like yourself know about it.
    (Who knows, your post may inspire others to take similar steps.)
  4. Who else do you know providing an example of appropriately-engaged Buddhist wisdom?
    Consider sharing the information below.

A Deep Bow of appreciation to all who may feel moved to respond. It matters.

Thank you.


*sapiens,?. . . well, that remains to be seen. Clever, yes; wise, not so much.
**persona:  originally “mask, false face,” such as those of wood or clay worn by the actors in later Roman theater.

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