Ajahn Amaro’s Spiritual Journey

I always enjoy Ajahn Amaro’s talks. Here, he traces his own spiritual journey, a long and winding road—which culminated in 2010 with his becoming Abbot of Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in England. A favorite moment: “…where freedom is found—it’s in here.“ So, without further ado, here’s the Venerable Ajahn Amaro talk at Stanford: Enjoy!


Sangha on zafus, zafus on zabutons, zabutons on our Temple floor . . . Home at last!   A deep bow of gratitude to John Travis, Heather Sundberg, and the many sangha members through whom the heart of the Mountain Stream‘s Nevada City Insight Center, is made manifest. Although this site is not affiliated with Mountain Stream, without its members’ inspiring presence, I […]

Who ‘owns’ this site?

Although your erstwhile Webmaster has now set this website adrift in the Great Ocean, he does not (in any ultimate sense) ‘own’ it. Enable it, perhaps, but own . . . not so much. It only exists because of the many Dhamma practitioners whose efforts have brought the triple jewel to the West. Please, consider this site ‘yours’ as well. To […]

Translating and Searching This Website

  Translating Translation is a tricky business. According to an old Italian aphorism (tradurre è tradire), to translate is to betray. Whether we are translating from the ancient Pāli language or any other language, the very act of translation can inadvertently distort the original meanings and connotations of any given passage. Great translations fall in the realm of art, not […]