

Buddhology is the study of the Buddha (or Buddhahood).

It is also a term frequently applied to Buddhist Studies—the contemporary, academic investigation of Buddhism.

Buddhism has fostered over 2,500 years of the human mind reflecting on itself in an earnest effort to implement skillful means of reducing self-inflicted suffering. The ultimate goal of Nibbana (free from the crippling restraints of ‘I, Me, Mine’) remains elusive for most but is, nonetheless, a noble objective.

Curiously, the closer one comes to achieving that ultimate liberation, the less one may be compelled to discuss it! Be that as it may, one should respect the efforts of twentieth and twenty-first-century scholars to come to grips with the rich world of Buddhism—in all its varied forms, throughout space and time.

In that spirit, the following easily-searched, tabular portals to academic publications are offered:

May you find (among their 1,989 items) information that enriches understanding and leads you farther down your own path towards enlightenment.

Finally (should the spirit so move) check out:

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